19 ways to have the best period ever

Natalie K. Martin
2 min readNov 15, 2021
Image: Brandy Kennedy via Unsplash

One of the questions I get asked as a Menstrual Cycle Coach is, how can I make my period better? Whether your struggle is pain, migraines, heavy bleeding, mood changes or acne, we know that periods aren’t always fun. In fact, they can be pretty awful. One of the ways I help clients is to adjust the mindset that periods are meant to be awful, while creating systems and hacks to actually enjoy them instead.

Here are 19 ways that can help you have not just a better period, but the best one ever:

  1. Block/mark the predicted days of your period in your calendar so that you can keep yourself as free as possible
  2. Batch cook and freeze food so that you don’t have to stand in the kitchen wondering what the heck to cook
  3. Stock up on your favourite goodies and snacks in advance
  4. Go one step further and create a Bleed Box — a box/basket/draw etc that’s stocked full of your favourite things and used only while you’re bleeding
  5. Make a little ritual when your period comes — change your bedsheets, wear red clothes, start a fresh page in your journal with red pen
  6. Pull an oracle or tarot card for guidance in your next cycle (thanks to my mentor, Claire Baker, for this idea, and the two above)
  7. Bliss out on restorative yoga
  8. Have all your period products ready — period undies washed, tampons re-stocked and cups sterilised
  9. Mark your period with a cacao ceremony
  10. Nap. Often.
  11. Go for a walk without your phone and notice the small things around you
  12. Have an orgasm (they help with cramps!)
  13. Watch all the Netflix you want, guilt-free
  14. Extra bonus points for pre-loading your list with period binge-worthy shows
  15. Have a long soak in the bath with epsom salts and rose petals, or rose essential oil
  16. Make your space as gorgeous as possible — light incense, candles, turn up the heating, gather your comfiest blankets and pillows
  17. Spend time connecting to your womb with visualisation or simply lay a hand over your lower belly
  18. Listen to a super chilled playlist or audiobook
  19. Give yourself grace. You might not be at your sharpest right now, and that’s okay.

So there you have it. 19 ways to have the best period ever. Which one(s) will you try next?



Natalie K. Martin

Natalie K. Martin is a Menstrual Cycle Coach guiding women and menstruators swap PMS for power, and trade period struggle for bliss.